Rabu, 06 Juni 2012



                                                            King of Siliwangi Story

King of Siliwangi from Pajajaran Kingdom is located in Ciamis, West Java. Sliwangi name has been written on 630 texts. The text was written in 1518 when He still life. King of Siliwangi has many version stories. Based on old story people did not mention original title of a king, so the reader called him Siliwangi.

Candidat to be a new of king at Galuh should blessed by gods so he must meditation at some places. the Gos are God of Semplakwaja, God of Kuncung White, God of Kawindu, God of Wastuhayu and Godness of Hyang.

Siliwangi was known on 15 A.D and His faith is Islam also made his Kingdom secure and peace. Siliwangi most famous in Sundanesse came from royal descent Sri Baduga with title Wangi of King. On Rajyarajya i Bhumi Nusantara reference is mentioned that Baduga is prior of royal descent. Based on the Rajyarajya i Bhumi Nusantara text has mention “On Babat war, Baduga has brave fight with Gajah Mada army from Majapahit Kingdom and win.

On history Baduga King is represented of royal descent from wastu Kencana. Wastu Kencana was Baduga Grand fathers. Wastu Kencana had son. His name is Linggabuana. Linggabuana was death on Babat war so the direction to be king was Baduga. Siliwangi was famous as a king of Sunda-Galuh.

I Wayan Sutedja has write text about Babat war on Bali language. The text is mention about Babat war with involve Siliwingi army fight Majapahit army, then the mysterious the death of Majapahit in Babat war. The text was kept in Ohio University in 1995.

External power of Islam such as in China (1363-1644) gave an opportunity to people to become Muslim. Muslim is people for Islam. Cheng Ho admiral is of people from China who was become Muslim. He has the order from Yung Lo Kingdom to bring up a mission go to 36 countries such Middle East and Nusantara (archipelago=Indonesia) in 1405-1430.

Cheng Ho was welcome because he did not colonics and robs. Cheng Ho brings 27.000 Muslim with 62 ship and building lighthouse in Cirebon (one of city in West Java) and Pagoda or Kelenteng in Seamarang (one of city in Central Java).

The list of Siliwangi descent after became Muslim are First, Subang Larang. Subang Larang was daughter of Ki Gedeng Taparoja Singapora from Pajajaran Kingdom. Subang Larang was pupil of Hasanuddin Sheikh and also famous as known Kuro Sheikh. Sheikh is title of an Islam scholar.
Second, Nyai Santang was second of Walangsungsang descent. Nyai is title for Sundanesse. Third, Kahfi Datuk Sheikh and he was famous as known Nuruljati Sheikh.

King of Siliwang married with Subang Larang and they had 3 childrens. First children name was Walangsungsang, Rara Santang and Sangara.

The prince Walangsungsang was born in 1423 AD. He was first children from 3 brothers namely Rara Santang or Hajjah Syarifah Mudhaim born at 1426 M and the last Sangara who he was born 1428 M.

Another title for Prince of Walangsungsang was Kian Santang (famous story in Sunda). When He still young, he had supernatural power until he could not saw his blood. And he heard there was an old man in Arab really had supernatural which could defeat him and to saw her blood. He tried to using Napak Sancang (name of power in Jawa-Indonesia) go to Arab. After that he meet the old man and the old man told to Prince of Walangsungsang or Kian Santang took stick of a wood where the stick stuck on the sand but even Prince of Walangsung revoke this with all his supernatural power, he could not until he saw blood out of pores of his hands.

From those happen Prince of Walangsungsang faith to Islam religion and he went to back to West Java, Indonesia. He spread Islam in Galuh Kingdom but her father, King of Siliwangi still did want to become Muslim (people name of Islam) because King of Siliwangi had guidance from God (Allah SWT).

After long time in West Java in order to spread of Islam the Walangsungsang has been married with Nyai Kencana Larang. She was daughter of Ki Gede Alang Alang. After that Walangsungsang got Ki Wirabumi title and Walangsung change his name become Somadullah, then open new of cluster hamslets in Kebon Pesisir and become a king.

The another famous story when King of Walangsungsang follow his father King of Siliwingi and her father's follower by using nurus bumi (a name of supernatural in Java -Indonesia) which they could took walk in under ground until Sancang forest in Garut, West Java - Indonesia and fought with by using supernatural powers.

In battle the King of Siliwangi has defeated by Kian Santang and then King of Siliwangi gave direction to his follower who want to became Muslim.

King of Walangsungsang or Kian Santang story was famous between Galuh and Cirebon areas. Both areas are cities part of West Java - indonesia.

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